Getting Ready to Party!! Birthdays and Gotcha Days!!
Katie is going to be 4 in the next week so we are preparing for her birthday party on Saturday. She is having a joint party with one of her best friends, who is 4 two days after her. Excitement is building in our house at the moment. Presents are being hidden (not very well as Katie found one of them! Rookie error!). We have booked an entertainer (and paid extra for his musical trousers - one for the mums perhaps?) and he is doing pretty much everything, bar the food. How great is that? Katie can't wait for it to be her birthday. She is going to be like the Queen though because we are having a party for the children on Saturday and then a house party on Sunday for our adult friends (plus children of course) and then her birthday is actually on Monday so Mummy, Daddy and Katie are going out for the day. She wants to have lunch in a restaurant so we will be going out. Only to the local Harvester (anyone who has seen our darling daughter's manners will understand why it's nowhere posher) but she will love it. She'll order fish and chips as she always does and will eat with gusto! Three days of celebrations.

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