Day 3 of Introductions with Pip

I had a lovely smile to welcome me (he's definitely recognising me now) and we had a lovely play when I arrived, but his Foster Carer said that he didn't go to bed well last night and was very clingy and just didn't want to go to sleep. His FC said it was very unusual for him to cry at bedtime (a knife through my heart). As a result he was overtired and a bit grumpy today. He was late going down for his nap this morning because I was there and his FC wanted him to have a little bit of time with me before I put him down. By the time we decided to put him in his cot he was really grumpy and didn't know quite what to do with himself. I felt awful knowing that it was this process that was unsettling him so much. It's all in a good cause but it's not a nice feeling at this point in the process. He's just a little baby and doesn't understand what is going on.
Pip didn't want to go down for his nap when I put him down and he just cried and sobbed so we ended up getting him up and giving him an early lunch in case he was hungry as well as overtired. He had a marmite sandwich and some cheesy puffs and some cut up plum and I then rocked him to sleep, which apparently his FC never does, but I enjoyed it (and I think he did too) and then I put him in his cot. He only slept for about 30 mins though. He's such a nosey parker, he doesn't want to miss anything!
I played with him this afternoon. We read a book and sang lots of "Row, Row, Row your boat" and "I went to the animal fair" (which he loved!!) and then I gave him his bottle again. I don't think I will ever get bored with giving him a bottle. He almost sucks the teat right out of the bottle!! It's hilarious!
I then had to drive home to pick Katie up from school. It's about a 30 minute drive home with a clear road so I need to leave at least 45 minutes before I'm due home to allow for the obligatory motorway roadworks. It was hard to leave but I need to be practical about things.

Katie said to me at bedtime, with an excited smile on her face "I know what we should do. We should get me a T-shirt to wear when I see Pip tomorrow saying that I'm his big sister!" Little does she know that I've got exactly that for her to wear tomorrow and a card congratulating her on becoming a big sister!! :-) Pip has a matching one saying "I'm the little brother!".
Can't wait to see them both wearing them together!!!
what an exhausting day and a great mum you are:)